Chile in 7 days-what to do. Chile w 7 dni - co zwiedzać.
Ambrosia Bistro restaurant, Santiago, Chile. Restauracja Ambrosia Bistro w Santiago de Chile.
The Coffeemaker Puerto Natales. Kawiarnia "The Coffeemaker", Puerto Natales, Patagonia, Ch
Lunch at "Club Arabe", Viña del Mar , Chile. Obiad w "Club Arabe".
Don Victorino restaurant and bar. Santiago de Chile.
Hosteria Pehoe. Torres del Paine, Chile. Hostel "Hosteria Pehoe"
Santiago de Chile, day 2. Zwiedzanie Santiago de Chile, dzień 2.
Valparaiso and Vina del Mar 1 day tour. Zwiedzanie Valparaiso i Vina del Mar.
Casas Del Bosque winery. Winnica Casas Del Bosque. Chile.
Pisco Sour, drink with the ice from the Glacier. Pisco Sour, koktail z lodem z lodowca.
Hotel Le Reve, Santiago de Chile.
Sara Braun Palace. Pałac Sary Braun. Punta Arenas